MARCH HOURS M-W 10-7 T+F 9:30-7 S 10-5 S 11:30-4
MARCH PROMOS Luck of the Irish Purchase any bottle of product or tanning package and you get to test your luck. Pull a prize and win up to 50% off your purchase. Bed Challenge Get 5 tans for $50 One in each piece of equipment Get entered to win 10 tans free in the bed you liked the most! National Spray Tanning Day Join us on March 20th for a custom spray tan and be prepared to be spoiled!
EXPIRED LOTIONS Did you know that tanning lotions expire after 18 months? After this time those lotions are no longer stable under UV light - this means they can start to cause rashes, breakouts, staining of the skin and even begin blocking UV light. Plus they start to smell really bad.
NOW OFFERING Custom Spray Tanning Cocoon Wellness Sauna & Massage Sessions
All online sales are final.